23 December 2009

Advent Day 23

Day 23: "Make wrapping paper"

Like the whole card deal, I expected this to come up earlier and cause me to work harder, earlier. The idea was to use the many miles of scribbbled upon paper that Simone has crayoned upon and I can't bear to throw out, sponge paint some gold tempera stars and bells upon it and wrap away. But I only have one gift left to wrap. There aren't actually all that many under the tree and I made a huge, serious effort to buy anything for family et al at local stores or Etsy. Sometimes it was painful - like when the Melissa and Dough Slice and Bake Cookie Set was a full $4 cheaper at Whole Foods, $8 cheaper at Amazon than at my toy store. But it had to be done.
Then my Mom sent me an Amazon gift card, which has thrown me into a giddy spin of indecision and hypocrisy. But mostly giddiness, about owning
Settlers of Catan and a Moka Stovetop Espresso maker after 1o long years of thinking about it. Sheesh.

And then I had to get gifts for my daycare workers - all three of them - and finally settled on Target Gift cards, which they seemed to like but I agonized over. This is a whole New World of Argggh when it comes to rewarding those who care for my children.

Overall though, my kid didn't get anything plastic or Girly, which sounds lame but means plenty to me. And I ended up wrapping things in last years paper anyway.

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