06 March 2009


I won't give one of those "Hey I've been really busy" excuses (ahem, I apparently just did) but for the past few months I've been wondering if the Make/Do-er in me was ever going to come out from under a pile of academic journals and Library related nonsense and Baby Stuff. Every craft I worked on was like a deadline for a paper, pressing and not so fun. But lately I've been thinking longingly of my paints. And paper. And yarn. And I got handed a stash of 16mm film stock yesterday for free that I am making plans for. I think I'm back. Or, more accurately, it comes in waves.

This morning I wept a little happy tear when I watched this video so I wanted to share it. I'm not usually in favour of songs with "on the nose" lyrics but the combination of the questions I've always pondered with the awesome stop-motion hand-drawn animation...made me want to ditch work and go Play! Which I just might.

(The music is by Tanya Davis and the animation, I'm excited to find out, is by Andrea Dorfman, who did a really sweet film called Parsley Days that I loved.)

(PPS - this post is dedicated to Ara Jane, because she asked.)